March 20, 2014


One news item in particular is learnt today from the Gazzettino di Venezia. On 25 April, day of the rosebud and the patron saint of Venice, 1200 people who cut out a special coupon published in the newspaper from 24 March and send it to the Gazzettino offices will be able to take part in an unforgettable performance. They will be able to go into St Mark’s Square to form a big living picture. Their coloured clothes and bodies will design a pink rosebud that will start from the base of the bell tower and adorn the entire Square. A photo will obviously be taken of this performance, which will go around the world like that of the famous Coca Cola brand in the past. Alberto Toso Fei and Elena Tagliapietra, who drew up the ‘Venezia rivelata’ (Venice revealed) project and the rosebud event in St Mark’s, said to the Gazzettino that ‘There will be lots of excitement: entering into symbiosis with the architectural symbol of the city and one of its most heartfelt traditions, on the day of the feast of St Mark, will be a moment of great pride for the locals and a demonstration of the still strong and vital love of traditions’. So we therefore wish them all the best for lots of local participation.