May 11,2014


There will be an opportunity to find out about the mysterious and evocative history of Egypt throughout the month of May at the National Archaeological Museum of Venice, Piazzetta San Marco 17. A series of free talks has been organised by the museum in association with Padua and Venice Universities and Team Egitto Veneto. The first appointment is a talk entitled ‘Osiris Lord of Abydos: the accomplishment of resurrection’ given by Dr Federica Pancin at 5 pm on 14 May. This will be followed on 20 May, again at 5 pm, by a talk on ‘Egyptian gods and magic’ by Prof. Emauela M. Ciampini. Then on 27 May Dr Clauda Gambino and Dr Martino Gottardo will discuss Egypt in their talk entitled ‘A look at ancient Egypt: the small statues in the National Archaeological Museum’. For further information on the series of presentations and the museum