October 21, 2014


The Corriere del Veneto asks this today, as does the Associazione Piazza San Marco in the light of what the newspaper writes about tomorrow’s forecasts for the high tide. There should be a maximum high tide of 95 cm above the average sea level tomorrow morning at 10.25 according to the city council’s Centro Maree. The website ilmeteo.it says the maximum will be 106 cm, and the Ministry for the Environment - Ispra forecasts a maximum of 98 cm but at 9.25, so an hour earlier. Who will be right? Apart from the irony, these not particularly high tides also flood St Mark’s Square and the surrounding areas. It must be pointed out, for example, that the Procuratie Vecchie end up under water with a tide of only 80 cm. This is why the precision of the forecasts seems fundamental and absolutely not negligible for the city and especially the businesses in the St Mark’s area, who are increasingly exposed to the effects of the medium-low tides in particular.