Associazione Piazza San Marco

President Alberto Nardi met the superintendent Renata Codello

The president of the Associazione Piazza San Marco, Alberto Nardi, and the architect Ettore Vio, proto of St Mark’s, met the superintendent of the Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici di Venezia e della Laguna, Renata Codello, on 15 January. The well-known problem of the flooding of the square with medium-low tides and the question of decorum, especially commercial, were spoken of at the meeting. On the question of high tides, the lack of any action to waterproof St Mark’s Square was mainly discussed. The superintendent pointed out that the project has probably not gone ahead not only because of a lack of funds but also because of technical differences on the feasibility of waterproofing the square. Some technicians were actually perplexed about the work and technical doubts were also expressed by the proto, Mr Vio. The idea would rather be that of working on smaller sites in smaller sections of the square, thus considering the works related to St Mark’s basilica and the Procuratie Vecchie in a different way: sites that are now the main critical points. So acting in a more ‘localised’ way, the paving could be brought to a height of one metre or 105 centimetres at less cost, reducing the impact of medium-low tides: the proto also thinks that this work would be feasible. Nardi pledged that the association will be committed to mapping the individual properties of the shops located beneath the Procuratie Vecchie and to contextually understanding whether there is any chance of finding adequate financing to assist the work by individuals. Another question looked at was that of decorum and the fight against illegal selling. Ms Codello pointed out that the new ministerial regulation allows full powers to the Soprintendenze for the management of stallage, signs and also the objects, often cheap, sold in historic places. We have already written on this in a specific article. Thanks to this regulation it is now finally possible to act on the ground, clearly resolving illegal situations and bringing order to some historic areas such as, obviously, St Mark’s Square. The president of the association, Nardi, said he agreed with this specific aspect, positively welcoming the approval of the regulation that finally brings clarity to the sector and, in hoping that all shopkeepers and the whole profession give a good example, asked that this new strategy of legality and respect for the law be launched precisely from St Mark’s Square. Photo: Superintendent Renata Codello.