After twenty years of discussion there finally seems to be agreement as to where the First Aid station will be located in Piazza San Marco announced the Councillor for Trade Carla Rey. From next Sunday, the alderman confirmed, the First Aid station will be located at number 52 on the Square, near Café Florian. The service will be available at weekends until October, but it will be improved in the future so as to make it continuous from next Easter. There were two main issues to take into consideration: the overcrowding of the ‘Marciana’ area, with hundreds of thousands of visitors, plus the opportunity for filtering health cases before they reached the emergency department of the local hospital. Only those who are truly in need will be admitted. Health care costs will be covered by the Association Piazza San Marco, of the Order of Malta, the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro, the Aepe and by Common, according to the outline agreement attached.