Associazione Piazza San Marco
20 October 2017

Venice Fashion Night 2017 at the start

From now until 28 October 2017 Venice will host meetings, fashion parades and creative performances as part of this year’s ‘Venice Fashion Night’ organised by ‘Venezia da Vivere’ in association with the Comune di Venezia. This year’s event also enjoys the partnership of the Associazione Piazza San Marco engaged, also through these projects, in relaunching and revitalising the St Mark’s area, thus helping safeguard the heart of Venice. The participation of various boutiques in Via XXII Marzo, Campo San Maurizio and Calle Vallaresso is important. In addition four different tours have been created to discover fashion and the history of the city. The event will also discuss the future of Venice with two meetings on the economy and the potential of quality tourism compared to the current ‘mass’ version. Experts from Ca’ Foscari University, Assicurazioni Generali, FAI, Confindustria and the Associazione Piazza San Marco will take part in the meetings.

Information on the event